How to Send in a Submission
Call for Submissions: Refugee
Fiction International will accept submissions in response to the theme of Refugee from October 1, 2022 to February 15, 2023.
Fiction, non-fiction, and indeterminate prose texts of up to 5,500 words, and visuals that address the theme of “Refugee” are welcome. Please submit online through Submittable or by mail from 10/1/22 to 2/15/2023 to the address listed on this page. We will consider submissions of narrative, anti-narrative and indeterminate texts but only accept submissions reflecting the theme.
Please read sample texts from our catalog to familiarize yourself with our thematic focus and uniquely global perspective. Recent themes have been: Dream, Compassion, Algorithm, Body, World in Pain, Fool, Real Time/Virtual, About Seeing, DV8, Walls, The Artist in Wartime, Freak, Animals, and Abject/Outcast.
Important note: We are more inclined to publish shorter texts. If your longer text is outstanding, we are happy to publish it. However, the closer we get to the end of the submission period (and the more texts we accept), the less likely we will accept longer texts.
Please submit only one text (or collection of up to 5 flash texts) at a time. Please allow three months for a reply. Please also wait until you hear from us before submitting again. PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED MATERIAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
We accept all submissions (text and visuals), including those from agents, online or through mail.

Online submissions must be submitted through Submittable at
Hard copy submissions must be printed out, accompanied by an SASE, and mailed to:
Dr. Harold Jaffe, Editor-in-Chief
Fiction International
San Diego State University
Dept. of English and Comp. Lit.
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-6020 USA
Please ensure that all submissions are print-ready. For printing purposes, submitted visuals must be grayscale (no color) and have a resolution of 300 dpi. Also, to prevent cropped visuals, please consider that our printing page size is 7 x 7 inches. Acceptable image formats are JPEG, TIFF, and PNG. We exercise all due care in handling manuscripts but are not responsible for loss. Please allow three months for a reply.
If submitting through Submittable or by mail isn’t possible, we may accept emailed submissions providing you receive approval in advance. Do not email without receiving prior approval. Should you have any questions, please email the editor-in-chief at: