Fall 2019
ISBN 978-0-931362-16-3
Purchase Body from Amazon.com
Text and Art
Bonk Johnston / Untitled (George Segal sculpture)
Harold Jaffe / Intro
Eurydice / Our Common Prayer
Larry Fondation / Unwell
Elijah Haas / Shrimp Cocktail
Ron Burch / The Elephant
Thomas Fuchs / L.A.
Jonathan Wlodarski / Blistering Silence
Breka Blakeslee / Lost Things
Ivars Balkits / Brain Talking to Brain
D.E. Steward / CRISPR
Norman Conquest / Body Politik [sick]
Joel Harris / Hors d’Oeuvres
Caralyn Davis / The Scenic Route
Jon Mozes / What I Want You to Do
Tara I. Zambrano / Spawn
Marilyn Stablein / Decrepitude
Carol Guess & Aimee Parkison / Girl in Medical Trials
Thaddeus Lenk / Hating the Warmth Industry
ren hlao / Chrysalis
Ali Shapiro / ghost in the museum & ghost in the machine
Sam Pink / Blue Victoria
Jennifer Lothrigel / Tree Woman
Nicole Oquendo / The Antichrist and I (Rice Krispy and Zoo)
Alexandria Liston / moi je joue
KKUURRTT / The Hangover 4 ft. Z. Galifianakis
Olga Alexander / Untitled
Thomas Gresham / Gun on Bike & Amare Vulgaris
Tom Whalen / Memorial Service
Toby Olson / The Old Hand
Robert James Cross / B.K.
Diana Phan / Colonized Soup
Sean Gill / An Inhospitable Place
Jacquelyn Kelley / The Final Nesting Doll
James Burr / If Janus Had Two Faces Then Why Can’t I?
S. Bennett / Erred
Harold Jaffe & Stacey Johnson / Rothko’s Body “Dialogue”
Anonymous / Fly copy